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Draft:Hemp Fur

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Hemp Fur is a textile material of plant origin that imitates raw sheep fur or fleece. Natural material from vegetable fibers, which is artificial fur on a cotton knitted base, on which natural pile from combed short fibers of hemp and viscose is fixed. It is both a vegan alternative to animal fur and a natural alternative to synthetic fur. It is used for the manufacture of all products that can be made from animal and synthetic fur.

Advantages compared to natural animal and synthetic fur

Due to the natural composition and properties of hemp fibers, hemp fur combines the advantages of natural and synthetic fur

Comparison with natural animal fur

Does not require cruelty to animals, is ethical

Simulates the two-layer structure of animal fur and undercoat

It is close to sheep's wool in thermal insulation characteristics (heat capacity of industrial hemp is 1600 J/kg⋅K, sheep's wool is 1720-1750 J/kg⋅K)

Does not require toxic substances for processing

No chemical dyes are used

Resistant to pests such as moths and dust mites

Lighter in weight

Suitable for vegans

You can cut it

Comparison with synthetic artificial fur

The hollow fibers of hemp are breathable, so faux hemp fur retains heat much better than synthetic fur

Unlike synthetic fur, hemp fur is not electrified

Hemp fibers are strong, so a more durable material is formed, products from which will last much longer than artificial synthetic fur

Sometimes synthetic artificial fur, which is a source of microplastics, is called eco-fur, emphasizing that nature does not suffer because of it. But hemp fur has real ecological advantages: for the cultivation of hemp practically no pesticides are needed, as a result, a biodegradable material is formed that does not pollute the environment


Hemp fur is produced according to the principle of artificial fur production on a knitted basis in light industry: a combing tape is formed from a mixture of hemp fibers of various lengths and viscose fibers, the ground of the canvas is knitted to obtain a cotton knitted base, bundles of combing tape fibers are tied into it, fixation of a bunch of fibers of the combing tape in the loops of the ground with the help of starch glue, fixation of the linear dimensions of the canvas is carried out and, if necessary, the final decoration of the fur is carried out by cutting it.


The patent for hemp fur is owned by Oksana Petrivna Devoe (TM DevoHome, Kyiv, Ukraine), whose company produces this material under the slogan "We don't kill, we grow!" and products from it: warm clothes, textiles for the bedroom, interior items, etc.


Hemp fur and products made from it have achieved recognition and victories in numerous Ukrainian and international competitions.

  1. International exhibitions of innovative materials according to the results of the Material District 2020 international exhibition in Rotterdam and Utrecht, the Ukrainian development (Hemp Fur) was included in the worldwide library of innovative materials Material ConneXion.
  2. Dutch Design Week Eindhoven - hemp fur products were presented in 2019 and in 2022 and attracted the attention of the international press.
  3. In 2020, the development of hemp fur was included in the list of finalists of the national selection for the International competition for the search for innovative solutions based on the logic of biomimicry from UNDP/

Recognition and support from international and Ukrainian animal rights organizations

  1. The world's most famous organization for the protection of animal rights, PETA, recognized DevoHome's hemp fur as vegan and noted the Ukrainian company's contribution to the global movement to reject the use of animal fur in the fashion industry.
  2. DevoHome is one of the first Ukrainian companies to sign an international agreement with Fur Free Retailer, a global organization that regulates the use of leather and animal fur in the fashion industry.
  3. The HutroOff campaign from the NGO "One Planet" recognized hemp fur as an ingenious modern material that does not involve cruelty to animals. Pavlo Vyshebaba - the head of the KhutroOFF Campaign - appeared in clothes from DevoHome at the Sustainable Brands show of the Ukrainian Fashion Week in February 2020.
  4. UAnimals, together with Ukrainian Fashion Week, presented the inventor of hemp fur, Oksana Devo, with the Best Fashion Awards in the Cruelty Free nomination for eco-awareness and non-violence in January 2021.
    Participation in fashion shows
  5. Milan Fashion Week 2020, White Milano
  6. Paris Fashion Week 2020, Sustainability stand
  7. Ukrainian Fashion Week 2020


2018 - "Stalo" All-Ukrainian competition for the best business solutions

ELLE Decoration International Design Awards 2019, Ukraine

Green Product Award 2023, Berlin

The members of the Ukrainian musical ethnogroup "DahaBrakha" decided to abandon the animal fur from which their characteristic headdresses were made, and also ordered hemp fur headdresses as an addition.
