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1976 French cantonal elections

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Cantonale elections to renew canton general councillors were held in France on 7 and 14 March 1976. The left won a convincing victory, the PS gained 194 seats and the PCF 75. 15 presidencies also swung to the left.

Electoral system[edit]

The cantonales elections use the same system as the regional or legislative elections. There is a 10% threshold (10% of registered voters) needed to proceed to the second round.

National results[edit]

Runoff results missing

Party/Alliance % (first round) Seats
  PS 26.6% 513
PCF 22.8% 242
Miscellaneous Right 12.5% 269
MR-Centrists 11.8% 250
  UDR 10.6% 171
  RI 8.5% 175
Miscellaneous Left 4% 93
MRG 2.4% 84
Far-Left 0.7% 4


Alain Lancelot, Les élections sous la Ve République, PUF, Paris, 1988